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By Prophet Uebert Angel

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By Prophet Uebert Angel

A New Life In Christ

We are so excited to journey with you, as you learn more about our Lord Jesus Christ.

Our Lord Jesus Christ

Our Lord Jesus Christ is the cornerstone of the Christian faith, His life and teachings have profoundly influenced the course of history. Our Lord Jesus Christ is known for His unparalleled compassion, wisdom, and the miraculous deeds He performed. His message centered on love, forgiveness, and the promise of eternal life, offering hope and redemption to all who believe in Him. Throughout His ministry, He travelled across the lands of Judea, healing the sick, comforting the afflicted, and teaching about God’s eternal kingdom.

Receiving Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior means accepting His teachings and inviting His transformative presence into your life. It is a journey toward spiritual fulfilment, grounded in faith, love, and the promise of salvation. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, we find strength, hope, and a path to eternal peace.

To be made whole, or to be saved, is to submit to God and His plan and purpose for our lives. It is a turning from our old ways and turning to Jesus Christ, to ask Him for forgiveness from our sins and to give us new life in Him.

Romans 10:9 says:
“If you declare with your mouth that Jesus is Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.”

Salvation is God’s free gift to us and we become His children. It is an irrevocable acceptance into the family of God and it is an empowerment to live life wholly and fully with the purpose of reflecting God to the rest of His creation.

Our Lord Jesus Christ

We invite you to make Jesus Christ, the Lord of your life by praying this prayer

“O Lord God, I come to you in the name of Jesus Christ. I believe with all my heart in Jesus Christ, Son of the living God. I believe He died for me and God raised Him from the dead. I believe He’s alive today. I confess with my mouth that Jesus Christ is the Lord of my life from this day. Through Him and in His name, I have eternal life; I’m born again. Thank you Lord, for saving my soul! I’m now a child of God”.

Congratulations! You are now a child of God.

How Not To Be Left Behind

Don’t miss out on this powerful video on how not to be left behind by Prophet Uebert Angel. It offers crucial insights and guidance to ensure you stay on the right path. Learn valuable lessons and practical steps to strengthen your faith and prepare yourself spiritually for the rapture of the church.
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